Sunday, December 14, 2008

Catching Up

Kate and I went to our Mom's Club Christmas Party on Friday morning. It was fun. I made a craft for all the kids to do - it was a picture frame with a magnet on the back and they could decorate it with holiday foam stickers. Honestly, they looked like a 2 year old made them...oh well. Nobody complained. Santa made an appearance and read the children a book and he took pictures and everything. Kate and I talked about Santa beforehand and she was prepared to tell him she wanted a baby bottle for her babies. Easy enough, right? WRONG! She freaked out. Started yelling, byebye mommy. Let's go home! Over and over. Glad I didn't wait in line for Santa for an hour like I did last year for her to refuse to sit on his lap!

Here is Kate eating her cupcake - really a donut.

Here she is putting her frame on the refrigerator.

On Saturday, Kate woke up with a bad cough and a terrible runny nose, so I took her to the clinic on Saturday morning. After two hours there, the doctor told me there was nothing he could give her for it. WHAT???? So we have been nursing a little girl all weekend.

Hope you had a good weekend!


The Robinsons said...

i love the picture frame. hope kate gets to feeling better!

CaseyLew said...

I hope she gets better soon! I heard that they removed all the meds for the young children from the market recently. What were they thinking?

Sarah and Brad said...

Hope Miss Kate feels better soon! I just emailed the Mom's Club in OKC and am waiting to hear back from them. We need some little friends for our Kate to play with! Hope you guys have a good week.


I am so sorry she is feeling icky! How cute about santa though! I think its pretty normal at her age and makes for a funny memory at the least. Hope she gets better soon.