Thursday, January 14, 2010

I feel so organized...

I'm not the most organized person (shocker, I know). However I'm turning over a new leaf...or page. I just finished a book that is helping me focus on being Happy this year. I will blog on this next week. One area that I needed improvement on is keeping our appointments straight. We don't have a lot of stuff going on, but we needed a place to keep it organized. I didn't want to use the calendar from the Pharmacy. I need a bigger space, because I write big. The answer: Momagenda!

A friend of mine bought their day planner a couple of years ago and she loved that it had space on each day for each of her children.

Here is what mine looks like. Ok, so the picture is blurry, but you get the idea. I hung it up on the refrigerator and I'm constantly putting stuff on it. I really love it. Now you can get yours here for 30% off.


CaseyLew said...

You should use your phone! I completely quit using my planner and put it all in my Blackberry and it's amazing, you can link up with Google:)

The Robinsons said...

i have a walking, talking calendar... nicholas. he never forgets a date. never.