Thursday, January 15, 2009

Saving Idea...

John read somewhere on the Internet about increasing your deductible on your car insurance could save you some money. We saved $303 a year just by increasing our deductible on our cars from $500.00 to $1,000.00 Check your home insurance too! He also ordered something from and used the Supersaver shipping -saving $13.99, which meant that shipping was free, but it would take 5-9 days to ship. We received the item in 4 days. This means that John is winning in the "how much you save" secret contest I'm having with him.

PS - notice he has his Winter Look going on....


McNubbin's Mom said...

I did the supersaver shipping when I ordered the workout videos the other day. Before, I had not noticed that they offer that. Another thing I did this week - I got the items @ Walgreen's that are free after rebate. They have different things every month.
I showed Pat the photo of John w/ the cashola and he said he looked kinda crazy. haha

Unknown said...

I was looking for the guy that hit me over the head with a bat and took my money. This guy looks just like him. Strangely enough he was smiling just like that as he was running away. I am calling the cops!!!!

Sarah and Brad said...

I'm cracking up right now!! John does look a little bit crazy...

Karen said...

Nice savings! John needs to put on his "fro" wig! That would look way cool!